Annual Budget Meet, Pattaya

Team Septalyst went to Pattaya for the Annual Budget Meet from 04th - 08th July, 2024.

This year Team Septalyst went to an International Trip to Pattaya for the Annual Meet from 4th to 8th July 2024.
The auspicious Annual Meet began with a loud cheer of Super Achievers!!
On this occasion our MD & CEO - Mr. Shyam Sunder Singh presented the highlights of FY 2023-24, discussed the initiatives & planning for FY 2024-25 and shared the future vision for the organisation.
Mr. Singh also appreciated the team for their sweat, determination & hard work thus making FY 2023-24 another successful year for the organisation. Since Annual Meet also is an occasion to recognize & reward the teams & individuals for their performance, excellence awards were given to the performing teams & individuals for their outstanding performances during FY 23-24.
The Team is fully motivated & charged up, with renewed energy, enthusiasm & pulsating vibrancy to take on the future challenges. Everyone in the team is confident of achieving the personal & professional goals. Surely “THE BEST IS YET TO COME.”